6 Complex Enzyme Kinetics

Many enzymes do not simply convert one substrate to a single product. Enzymes such as amylases which are critical to brewing and distilling convert long chains of sugars (starches) into shorter chains and disaccharides.

6.1 Allosteric Enzymes

Allosteric enzymes have more than one substrate binding site, or an “effector” binding site in addition to a substrate binding site. An effector can be any biomolecule, that when bound to the enzyme, affects the activity of the enzyme.

If the effector or substrate has a positive effect on enzyme activity this is called cooperativity.

6.2 Enzyme Inhibition

6.2.1 Competitive Inhibition

6.2.2 Uncompetitive

6.2.3 Noncompetitive

6.2.4 Substrate Inhibition